Improved aquatic environment analyses in urban hydrogeology Bandung
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Dasapta Erwin Irawan

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Geoscience is a science that is very much needed planning and development of urban areas in the future. Bandung is an urban area with complex regional conditions. This complexity is built on the diverse geological conditions of volcanic and land use. The diversity of these conditions also affects the condition of the aquatic environment which is controlled by geological components and man-made processes on the surface. Hydrogeology which has been developed by the Applied Geology Research Group which is very dominant with geological components needs to be combined with a wider environment. The Faculty of Geosciences at UniLaSalle-Beauvais has a relevant scientific scope for the purpose of developing hydrogeology. Olivier Pourret as a partner researcher has research experience in the field of rare earth element geochemical studies, isotopes, organic materials, and numerical modeling. Harapan kami dapat mengembangkan ilmu hidrogeologi menjadi ilmu yang lebih luas, sehingga relevan untuk menelaah lingkungan akuatik di kawasan urban Bandung.
