Detection of Magmatic Gas Leakage at Volcano Environment to Asses Fluid Paths using Satelite Thermal Infared and Ground Sensors
Nama Peneliti (Ketua Tim)

Asep Saepuloh

Ringkasan Kegiatan

Remote sensing technologies provide efficiently ground surface information for wide coverage area, but the application for identifying magmatic gas leakage related to subsurface magmatic plumbing system, groundwater circulation, and fluid paths at volcanic field is still limited. The magmatic gas leakage is crucial for volcano hazard precursors, environment deteriorations as well as geothermal resources. Small amount and rapid solubility of leakage gas to the environments are the main problem to detection processes. Overcoming these problem, we raised methods to detect magmatic gas leakage at volcano environment using high resolution thermal infrared sensors and field gas measurements using shallow boreholes.
